Inspiration Integrity Authenticity
Hi, my name is Christine Bellise and as a Licensed Social Worker for over 20yrs, I have seen teenage girls struggle to deal with challenges such as comparison culture that negatively affects their body image; the stressors of school life; and the pressure to have sex. As a Teen Life Coach, I help teenage girls navigate the demands of adolescence. By providing support in a safe environment, your teenager will gain new strategies and skills to manage and maintain healthy relationships; increase confidence; manage stress; and make positive decisions. I was once a shy, insecure teenager and decided to make it my mission to help adolescent girls develop and utilize their inner strengths to thrive now and, in the future, despite the many challenges they may face. Don’t you wish you knew then what you know now?
As a Teen Life Coach I:
Believe all girls deserve an opportunity to become the person they are meant to be
Support the client as they go through the ups and downs of being a teenager
Listen whole heartedly to the hidden dreams and passions that lie within the individual
Motivate clients to be proactive in obtaining their goals
Challenge the individual to become self-aware, allowing for personal empowerment
Foster positive communication between parents/teens
Value the importance of being consciously present and having clients learn to honor themselves